Must See Guide
Selge Ancient City

Selge, an old mountain city, was established on the southern slope of Mount Taurus at an approximately 59 km distance to Belek. To reach Selge, you can drive the 14 km stabilized road with steep curves after you pass Köprülü Canyon Natural Park. It is thought that Selge was established by Calchas. Selge is located in Pisidia; however, the city was included within the boundaries of Pamphylia. The city was ruled by the Lydians, the Persians, Alexander and the Romans.

Remains in the city consist of a theater carved into a rock, stadium and gymnasium on the south of the theater, and an Ionian temple ornamented with an eagle on its roof on the west part. The stadium has a fountain and Agora on the south. Towards the north of the city walls extending to the southwest of the city, there is a Necropolis with the monuments of Artemis and Zeus.

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