About Belek
Useful Information for Your Visit in Belek





Time Zone

Belek is in the UTC +3 Further-Eastern European timezone which includes also Russia. Belek is 1 hour ahead of European capitals like Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Rome and Madrid.


Native language in Belek is Turkish, and there are many people speaking English, German and Russian. For that reason, you can easily communicate in hotels, while shopping or during transportation.

Airport Transfer

Belek is 32 km away from Antalya Airport. You can reach Belek by renting private car or taking a taxi from the airport. You can also ask your hotel to arrange a transfer.

Local Transportation

You can easily reach anywhere in Belek by public buses, minibuses and taxis.


There are many shopping opportunities in Belek. At the stores, you can meet individual needs and find souvenirs. There are also many options in Antalya city center besides the shopping malls in Belek. The closest shopping mall in Antalya city center is 40 km away form Belek.


General healthcare services in the region are provided by full-fledged Serik Public Hospital, Private Belek Aspendos Anatolia Hospital and private family physicians in Belek and Kadriye neighborhoods. In addition, there are doctors and nurses for emergency responses at the hotels.


Turkish Lira, local currency of Turkey, is used in Belek. You can easily change foreign currency at the exchange offices in Belek city center. It is possible pay with Euro, Dollar or Sterling at hotels and shopping points.

Access to City Center

You can access to Antalya city center from Belek by minibuses or taxi. Buses depart from Belek city center to Antalya every half hour from the early hours of morning. Departure times might change depending on the season.


The climate of Belek is Mediterranean, and average temperature is 30°C - 34°C in summer and 19°C annually. Around 300 days of a year are sunny in Belek.


Traffic is on the right side of the road in Turkey. Cars can use left side for overtaking a vehicle. Most of the traffic signs are located in visible places on the right side of the road. While crossing, the pedestrians first look left.